Class 043 - Food Services

Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation.

# Class Product_Number Name Remark
39735 043-Food Services 043-251 Coffee and juice bar services On 10-6-2011, this 8-13-2009 entry was deleted because it
39736 043-Food Services 043-252 Coffee and tea bars On 10-6-2011, this 9-24-2009 entry was deleted because it
39737 043-Food Services 043-253 Coffee-house and snack-bar services On 10-6-2011, this 7-20-2004 entry was deleted because, al
39738 043-Food Services 043-254 Rental of drinking water equipment, namely, coolers and hot and cold dispensing consoles On 10-6-2011, this 1-1-2002 entry was deleted because, alt
39739 043-Food Services 043-255 Serving of food and drink/beverages On 10-6-2011, this 7-20-2004 entry was deleted because, al
39740 043-Food Services 043-256 Snack bar and canteen services On 10-6-2011, this 7-20-2004 entry was deleted because it
39741 043-Food Services 043-258 Snack-bars On 10-6-2011, this 11-29-2007 entry was deleted because it
39742 043-Food Services 043-26 Restaurants On 10-6-2011, this 1-1-2002 entry was deleted because it i
39743 043-Food Services 043-262 Travel agency services, namely, making reservations and booking for temporary lodging for On 10-6-2011, this 4-16-2009 was deleted because, although
39744 043-Food Services 043-264 Fast-food restaurants On 10-6-2011, this 7-20-2004 entry was deleted because it
39745 043-Food Services 043-265 Fast-food restaurants and snackbars On 10-6-2011, this 7-20-2004 entry was deleted because it
39746 043-Food Services 043-266 Food preparation services featuring fresh, properly proportioned, healthy meals designed t On 10-6-2011, this 9-11-2008 entry was deleted because, al
39747 043-Food Services 043-267 Hotel and motel services On 10-6-2011, this 11-29-2007 entry was deleted because it
39748 043-Food Services 043-269 Hotel and restaurant services On 10-6-2011, this 11-29-2007 entry was deleted because it
39749 043-Food Services 043-271 Hotel, bar and restaurant services On 10-6-2011, this 7-20-2004 entry was deleted because it
39750 043-Food Services 043-272 Hotel, motel, restaurant, bar and catering services On 10-6-2011, this 11-29-2007 entry was deleted because it
39751 043-Food Services 043-273 Hotel, restaurant and bar services On 10-6-2011, this 11-29-2007 entry was deleted because it
39752 043-Food Services 043-274 Hotel, restaurant and catering services On 10-6-2011, this 11-29-2007 entry was deleted because it
39753 043-Food Services 043-276 Motel services This entry was transferred from Class 42 to Class 43 due t
39754 043-Food Services 043-277 Restaurant On 10-6-2011, this 11-29-2007 entry was deleted because it
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