Class 038 - Telecommunications Services

Telecommunications services.

# Class Product_Number Name Remark
35927 038-Telecommunications Services 038-61 Providing frame relay connectivity services for data transfer
35928 038-Telecommunications Services 038-372 Providing instant messaging services On 01-01-2016, this 03-20-2008 entry was modified from “Pr
35929 038-Telecommunications Services 038-391 Providing Internet access These services are those of ISPs (Internet service provide
35930 038-Telecommunications Services 038-482 Providing internet chat rooms 11-17-2011: While this wording is still acceptable, the 01
35931 038-Telecommunications Services 038-453 Providing internet chatrooms
35932 038-Telecommunications Services 038-188 Providing multiple use access to global computer information networks for the transfer and
35933 038-Telecommunications Services 038-66 Providing multiple-user access to a global computer information network This activity does not require an indication a specific fi
35934 038-Telecommunications Services 038-455 Providing multiple-user access to data on the Internet in the field of {specify field or s
35935 038-Telecommunications Services 038-298 Providing multiple user access to proprietary collections of information by means of globa
35936 038-Telecommunications Services 038-618 Providing multiple-user access to the Internet
35937 038-Telecommunications Services 038-99 Providing multiple user dial-up and dedicated access to the Internet
35938 038-Telecommunications Services 038-448 Providing multiple user wireless access to the Internet
35939 038-Telecommunications Services 038-128 Providing on-line chat rooms and electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages a
35940 038-Telecommunications Services 038-422 Providing on-line chat rooms and electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages a 11-17-2011: Chat rooms and electronic bulletin board are m
35941 038-Telecommunications Services 038-425 Providing on-line chat rooms for social networking
35942 038-Telecommunications Services 038-65 Providing on-line chat rooms for transmission of messages among computer users concerning
35943 038-Telecommunications Services 038-275 Providing on-line communications links which transfer the web site user to other local and
35944 038-Telecommunications Services 038-64 Providing on-line electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages among computer u 08-18-2011: An electronic bulletin board is a means for co
35945 038-Telecommunications Services 038-485 Providing on-line facilities for real-time interaction with other computer users and elect On 11-17-2011, this 7-16-2009 entry was deleted because, a
35946 038-Telecommunications Services 038-478 Providing on-line facilities for real-time interaction with other computer users and elect
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