EUROPEAN TELECOM Your line to the world.
000184002 038 - Telecommunications Services Application withdrawn

Classification Information

  • 38 International telephone service, telephone calling cards, telephone pre-paid cards, telecommunications.


Organisation European Telecom
Legal status Legal entity
Country US - United States
State/county California
Town Walnut Creek,
Post code 94596
Address 2033 N. Main Street, Suite 390 A
Correspondence address European Telecom2033 N. Main Street, Suite 390 AWalnut Creek, California 94596ESTADOS UNIDOS (DE AMÉRICA)


Filing numberSubjectDate
000084220B216 – Confirmation of the withdrawal of a Community trade mark application18/02/2000
000084220B250B - Communication to the applicant/holder of the conclusion of the opposition proceedings following the restriction of the opposed trade mark after the commencement of the adversarial part of the proceedings18/02/2000
000084220B250A- Communication to the opponent of the conclusion of the opposition proceedings following the restriction of the opposed trade mark after the commencement of the adversarial part of the proceedings18/02/2000
000084220Letter to the EUIPO11/02/2000
000084220B214B - Notification to the applicant/holder of an extension of the period before the commencement of the adversarial part of the opposition proceedings29/10/1999
000084220B214A - Notification to the opponent of an extension of the period before the commencement of the adversarial part of the opposition proceedings 29/10/1999
000084220Letter to the EUIPO26/10/1999
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