008461386 034 - Tobacco Products Registered

Classification Information

  • 34 Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured; cigarettes; cigars; tobacco products; tobacco substitutes, none being for medicinal or curative purposes; matches and smokers' articles.


Organisation Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken GmbH
Legal status Legal entity
Country DE - Germany
State/county n/a
Town Hamburg
Post code 22763
Address Behringstraße 122 A
Correspondence address Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken GmbHBehringstraße 122 AD-22763 HamburgALEMANIA


Filing numberSubjectDate
024216114T72RW - Change in the name and/or address of the applicant/proprietor - notification of entry in the Register24/08/2023
024216114T72RW - Change in the name and/or address of the applicant/proprietor - notification of entry in the Register24/08/2023
024216114T72RW - Change in the name and/or address of the applicant/proprietor - notification of entry in the Register24/08/2023
024216114Application form and attachment24/08/2023
024216114Application form and attachment24/08/2023
019081283H726A - Notification of entry of a change of representative in the Office - Register and database23/12/2020
019081283H726A - Notification of entry of a change of representative in the Office - Register and database23/12/2020
019081283Application form and attachment23/12/2020
015324398Application form and attachment14/05/2019
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