1035367 034 - Tobacco Products Removed from the Register

Classification Information

  • 34 Tabac, brut ou manufacturé; produits de tabac; succédanés du tabac (à usage non médical); cigarettes; articles pour fumeurs et allumettes.


Organisation n/a
Legal status n/a
Country CH - Switzerland
State/county n/a
Town n/a
Post code n/a
Address 2, rue de Rive CH-1200 Genève
Correspondence address


Filing numberSubjectDate
1035367MSU01 — Information to proprietors of earlier trade mark registrations or applications (Article 195(4) EUTMR)16/05/2019
1035367New name06/07/2017
1035367MSU02 — Information to proprietors of earlier trade mark registrations or applications (Article 43(7) EUTMR)09/01/2017
1035367MSU01 — Information to proprietors of earlier trade mark registrations or applications (Article 195(4) EUTMR)09/01/2014
1035367MSU02 — Information to proprietors of earlier trade mark registrations or applications (Article 43(7) EUTMR)27/11/2013
1035367MSU02 — Information to proprietors of earlier trade mark registrations or applications (Article 43(7) EUTMR)27/11/2013
1035367MSU02 — Information to proprietors of earlier trade mark registrations or applications (Article 43(7) EUTMR)27/11/2013
1035367MSU02 — Information to proprietors of earlier trade mark registrations or applications (Article 43(7) EUTMR)27/11/2013
1035367MSU02 — Information to proprietors of earlier trade mark registrations or applications (Article 43(7) EUTMR)24/10/2013
1035367New name09/05/2013
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