017865317 034 - Tobacco Products Registered

Classification Information

  • 9 Electrical power extension cords.
  • 34 Matchboxes.
  • 35 Retailing relating to extension cords and match boxes.


Organisation mPeira AB
Legal status Legal entity
Country SE - Sweden
State/county n/a
Town Göteborg
Post code 411 39
Address Sten Sturegatan 2 A
Correspondence address mPeira ABSten Sturegatan 2 ASE-411 39 GöteborgSUECIA


Filing numberSubjectDate
021636611T72RR - Change in the name and/or business address of a representative - notification of entry in the Register 25/04/2022
021636611T72RR - Change in the name and/or business address of a representative - notification of entry in the Register 23/04/2022
021636611Application form and attachment21/04/2022
017865317L304 – Cover letter for registration certificate29/06/2018
017865317L109 - European Union search report sent12/03/2018
017865317Letter special correspondence08/03/2018
017865317Letter to the EUIPO07/03/2018
017865317L101F - Receipt of an application for a European Union trade mark (EUTM) and notification that a provisional filing date has been accorded27/02/2018
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