000030627 016 - Paper Goods Registered

Classification Information

  • 9 CD-roms , tapes , disks and other magnetic media containing news and information.
  • 16 Printed matter , particularly printed periodical publications , newspapers , periodicals , magazines and other publications.
  • 38 Providing news and information through on - line computer networks.


Organisation The New York Times Company
Legal status Legal entity
Country US - United States
State/county New York
Town New York,
Post code 10018
Address 620 Eighth Avenue
Correspondence address The New York Times Company620 Eighth AvenueNew York, New York 10018ESTADOS UNIDOS (DE AMÉRICA)


Filing numberSubjectDate
000208630 Representative Change of name and professional address
000188196 Representative Appointment / Replacement of representative
2006/037 11/09/2006 D.1 001506875 Renewal Total Renewal
2007/026 18/06/2007 C.2.1 000549017 Representative Change of name and professional address
2007/041 13/08/2007 B.4.2 000118227 Correction of errors Relative errors
2007/053 24/09/2007 C.2.2 001949448 Representative Appointment / Replacement of representative
2008/012 17/03/2008 C.1.3 003062398 Proprietor Change of name and address
2008/013 31/03/2008 C.2.2 003070573 Representative Appointment / Replacement of representative
2008/014 07/04/2008 C.2.2 003092049 Representative Appointment / Replacement of representative
2011/233 09/12/2011 C.2.1 006118783 Representative Change of name and professional address
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