003392826 013 - Firearms Registered

Classification Information

  • 13 Non-explosive rock breaking cartridges containing gas evolving substances.


Organisation Impafa Technologies (Pty) Ltd
Legal status Legal entity
Country ZA - South Africa
State/county n/a
Town Broederstroom
Post code 0240
Address Building P5200, Gate 1, Necsa Estate
Correspondence address Impafa Technologies (Pty) LtdBuilding P5200, Gate 1, Necsa EstateBroederstroom 0240ÁFRICA DEL SUR


Filing numberSubjectDate
023341137Application form and attachment02/10/2023
023341137L601A — Notification of the need to renew a EUTM registration AUTOMATIC19/03/2023
019400640H726A - Notification of entry of a change of representative in the Office - Register and database16/02/2021
019400640H726A - Notification of entry of a change of representative in the Office - Register and database16/02/2021
019400640H726A - Notification of entry of a change of representative in the Office - Register and database16/02/2021
019400640H726A - Notification of entry of a change of representative in the Office - Register and database16/02/2021
019400640H726A - Notification of entry of a change of representative in the Office - Register and database12/02/2021
019400640H726A - Notification of entry of a change of representative in the Office - Register and database12/02/2021
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