000536318 013 - Firearms Registered

Classification Information

  • 13 Small arms ammunition, rifles centrefire and rimfire and pistol cartridges, shotgun shells, air rifle shot and ammunition components.


Organisation Federal Cartridge Company
Legal status Legal entity
Country US - United States
State/county Minnesota
Town Anoka,
Post code 55303-7501
Address 900 Ehlen Drive
Correspondence address Federal Cartridge Company900 Ehlen DriveAnoka, Minnesota 55303-7501ESTADOS UNIDOS (DE AMÉRICA)


Filing numberSubjectDate
000536318LSU02 — Information to proprietors of earlier trade mark registrations or applications (Article 195(4) EUTMR)05/02/2019
014730231H726A - Notification of entry of a change of representative in the Office - Register and database21/08/2018
014730231H726A - Notification of entry of a change of representative in the Office - Register and database21/08/2018
014730231H726A - Notification of entry of a change of representative in the Office - Register and database21/08/2018
014730231H726A - Notification of entry of a change of representative in the Office - Register and database21/08/2018
014730231Application form and attachment21/08/2018
012877034T72RR - Change in the name and/or business address of a representative - notification of entry in the Register 10/07/2017
012877034EUIPO letter05/07/2017
012877034Letter to the EUIPO05/07/2017
012877034T72RR - Change in the name and/or business address of a representative - notification of entry in the Register 30/06/2017
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