It's all about Cryogenius
1176210 006 - Common Metals IR accepted

Classification Information

  • 6 Isolated, metal pipes for transporting gases at extremely low temperatures (cryogenics) and extremely low pressures (vacuum technology) for producers of industrial gases and for end users of liquefied gas, such as the food industry, pharmaceutical companies, automotive, aerospace and medical industry.
  • 9 Measurement and control devices for measuring and controlling extremely low temperatures (cryogenics) and extremely low pressures (vacuum technology) for producers of industrial gases and for end-users of liquefied gas, such as the food industry, pharmaceutical companies, automotive, aerospace and medical industry.
  • 37 Building, testing and installing pipes as well as measurement and control devices for extremely low temperatures (cryogenics) and extremely low pressures (vacuum technology) for producers of industrial gases and for end users of liquefied gas, such as the food industry, pharmaceutical companies, automotive, aerospace and medical industry.
  • 42 Scientific and technological services as well as associated research and design services, including provision of scientific services engaging cryogenics and vacuum technology; designing piping systems as well as designing measurement and control techniques for extremely low temperatures (cryogenics) and extremely low pressures (vacuum technology) for producers of industrial gases, for end-users of liquefied gas, such as the food industry, pharmaceutical companies, automotive, aerospace and medical industry.


Organisation n/a
Legal status BV
Country NL - Netherlands
State/county n/a
Town n/a
Post code n/a
Address Oester 2 NL-1723 HW Noord-Scharwoude
Correspondence address ARNOLD & SIEDSMARembrandt Tower, 28th Floor, Amstelplein 1NL-1096 HA AmsterdamPAÍSES BAJOS


Filing numberSubjectDate
1176210New name13/05/2021
1176210Application form and attachment11/04/2021
1176210MPER1 - Notification of the entry / deletion of a representative in the EUIPO database07/10/2019
1176210Application form and attachment06/10/2019
1176210WIPO attachments05/08/2014
1176210M109 - European Union search report sent07/10/2013
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