1 Chemicals and chemical products for scientific, analytical, agricultural, and industrial use; electrolytes, fluorescent dyes, enzymes, peptones, substrates, proteins, labels, calibration standards, and assayed and unassayed serum controls for use in testing, control and detection of contaminants in scientific, analytical, agricultural and industrial products.
5 Medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations and substances; reagents, proteins, nucleic acids, probes, test kits incorporating pharmaceuticals, cultures, culture media, transport media, serum, cell cultures, bacterial cultures, microbiology and immunoassay kits, and chemically coated strips all for research, clinical and diagnostic testing.
9 Scientific and electrical apparatus and instruments for industrial, scientific and analytical uses; software for controlling automated analytical equipment; computer peripheral devices, computer extensions with bar-code readers and automated apparatus for antibiotic expression, detection, identification and susceptibility testing.
10 Apparatus and instruments for medical, clinical and veterinary uses and detection, identification and susceptibility testing; immunoassay, microbiological, biochemical and sero diagnosis equipment; readers for tests on tubes or beads, photometers, shakers and racks, medical laboratory plates and sheets for microtitration; medical labware.
bioMérieux, Inc.
Legal status
Legal entity
US - United States
Salt Lake City
Post code
515 Colorow Drive
Correspondence address
bioMérieux, Inc.515 Colorow DriveSalt Lake City Utah 84108ESTADOS UNIDOS (DE AMÉRICA)