1 Chemical products, including biochemical products (except for medical or veterinary use); chemical preparations including biochemical preparations for laboratory analyses and in vivo analyses in scientific research (except for medical or veterinary purposes); raw material protein; polypeptides, peptides and nucleic acids (except for medical or veterinary purposes); bio-molecular vectors, biological and biochemical libraries (except for medical or veterinary use).
5 Pharmaceutical preparations and products, chemical products, including biochemical products for use in medical research and medical science; chemical preparations including biochemical preparations for laboratory analyses and for use in in vivo analyses in medical science; proteins; polypeptides, peptides and nucleic acids for medical or veterinary purposes; bio-molecular vectors, biological and biochemical libraries for medical or veterinary use.
42 Scientific, industrial, biotechnological and biomedical research; development and identification of drugs and drug candidates; chemical, biochemical and bio-molecular analyses; in vivo and in vitro pre-clinical tests of drug candidates; professional consultancy, non-business regarding all the above-mentioned services; clinical research; screening of chemical substances.