Biologic Building Blocks
1363085 001 - Chemicals IR refused

Classification Information

  • 1 Chemicals and biochemicals for use in the formulation, development and manufacture of pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, vaccines, finished drug products, parenteral drugs and therapies; chemicals and biochemicals for use in biotechnological product development and manufacturing processes; excipients and active ingredients for use in development, formulation and manufacture of pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, vaccines, injectable formulations, pharmaceutical intermediaries and drug formulations; chemicals, biochemicals, stabilizers, catalysts, enzymes, formulation ingredients, additives, drug delivery molecules and carriers, and buffers, all for use in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry; active pharmaceutical ingredients for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, vaccines, and finished drug products; formulation ingredients, additives, drug delivery molecules, and carriers, and buffers, all for use in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry; pharmaceutical intermediates for use in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry; biochemical excipients for use in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry; biochemical catalysts; biochemical preservers and protectors for use in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry.
  • 42 Biochemical research and development; chemical, biochemical, biological and bacteriological research and analysis; drug discovery services; pharmaceutical drug development services; product research and development; research and development in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology fields; research and development of vaccines and medicines.


Organisation n/a
Legal status CORPORATION
Country US - United States
State/county n/a
Town n/a
Post code n/a
Address 1219 Glen Rock Avenue Waukegan IL 60085
Correspondence address


Filing numberSubjectDate
1363085M607 - Notification of acceptance27/08/2018
1363085WIPO attachments27/08/2018
1363085WIPO attachments02/07/2018
1363085Application form and attachment31/05/2018
1363085M123 - IR: Ex officio refusal of protection / Decision on the inherent distinctiveness of an international registration23/03/2018
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